April 2, 2019 – DAHER, a leading aircraft industry equipment supplier has obtained certification, by its customer ATR, for its new safety blind, designed for this constructor’s aircraft (ATR 42 and ATR 72). Following the FAA action to impose more stringent safety requirements, the ATR turboprop aircraft constructor asked DAHER to design a new blind to meet the new requirements. Thus, DAHER confirms its position as the only French equipment manufacturer supplying ATR for this product.
The new ATR safety blind has been designed, manufactured and qualified by DAHER through a series of tests, and is much stronger than the previous model. Thus it provides optimum protection for the aircraft cargo space against outside intrusion.
The new blind is functional since October 2018 and is already being used by the Japan Air Commuter airline. Over the coming months, DAHER is aiming to equip all ATR customer airlines, flying under FAA regulations.
Christophe Labenelle, DAHER Senior Program Manager, states:
“We are very pleased that ATR was able to meet the new safety blind requirements. This is yet another demonstration of DAHER’s ability to respond appropriately to aircraft constructors’ problems relating to changes in standards and in product functions.”